Coaching To Enhance Performance®

How Successful Leaders Create Sustainability Differently

A New Book By Rey Gonzalez


Effective Coaching Leads to Sustainability in Safety, Quality, and Reliability

What sustains performance? What encourages workers to change their behaviors so that standards remain high and uncompromising each day? What one tool can management master so that sustainability for any initiative or standard is maintained? How do you most effectively engage your workforce? This book answers these questions. Many people believe that their organization’s observation and coaching process is good enough. Many people within these organizations view observations of work activities as another burden that management must contend with. There are various approaches to performance enhancement but none as powerful as real-time coaching and feedback, and none have experienced the success of those who have learned and correctly utilized Coaching to Enhance Performance © (CTEP). By honing their observation skills and using the CTEP 8-step feedback method, many of our clients in high- risk industries have experienced immediate behavior change, sustainability, high quality, safety, and reliability.

This book shows you how to:

  • Leverage the power behind real-time coaching,
  • Sustain high, uncompromising standards each day, avoiding human nature’s tendency to drift,
  • Distinguish between coaching and counseling,
  • Deal with and motivate negative people,
  • Enhance overall quality and safety in the work process,
  • Positively influence strong behaviors for great results,
  • Enhance your observation skills,
  • Leverage the power behind positive reinforcement and critiques,
  • Intervene when performance is wrong or risky and handle any response,
  • Use a proven 8-step debriefing process that is well received and results in by-in for desired changes in behaviors,
  • And much more!


This is one book you won't regret having!


Coaching To Enhance Performance®: How Successful Leaders Create Sustainability Differently is a proactive observation and coaching book and sustainable process designed by HOPE Consulting, LLC, to develop an engaged, thinking workforce using a collaborative learning environment to shape desired behaviors. Sustainability comes from proper application of the process, as described, and through the consistent reinforcement of its use. (For more on sustainability, see the section in chapter 2, “It’s All About Sustainability.”) Throughout this book, Coaching To Enhance Performance® is referred to as CTEP.

Although this book addresses the impact of behavior change on organizational performance, its principles also easily apply to personal situations. For example, many CTEP-trained users have applied their knowledge when coaching youth sports and have witnessed great results. The author saw benefits while raising his young children.

This book is comprised of ten chapters covering a range of topics from the importance of real-time coaching to measuring outcomes of coaching. This book, along with the successful completion of our CTEP exam, can be used as the knowledge-acquisition portion; however, full CTEP user training certification is obtained only upon completion of two practical training sessions in real time where work is being conducted within the user’s organization. HOPE has found that without the skills demonstration, during the practical training sessions in real time, success cannot be assured. HOPE also offers CTEP Train-the-Trainer certification, which requires completion of the course material and four full days of practical application training in the work environment. The practical portion follows the knowledge-acquisition portion and is scheduled with your organization. If interested, please contact us at or call 817-716-9727 or fax 817-755-0928.

The Book

Chapter 1 – The Importance of Real-Time Coaching

Chapter 2 – So Why Coach?

Chapter 3 – Coaching Versus Counciling

Chapter 4 – Caoching Human Performance and Safety

Chapter 5 – Shaping the Behaviors You Want in Your Organization

Chapter 6 – Enhancing Your Observation Skills

Chapter 7 – Reinforcement and Interventions

Chapter 8 – The CTEP Observationand Feedback Process

Chapter 9 – Measuring Outcomes of Coaching

Chapter 10 – Review and Summary

Praise for Coaching To Enhance Performance®

“Rey is the best coach of leaders and workers that I know. His intelligence and experience combined with his natural curiosity and approach to humble inquiry make his work impactful and long lasting. CTEP captures Rey at his best.”

Mike Blevins

Retired Chief Operating Officer, Electric Utility Industry

“The one thing that comes to mind immediately is something that I have said over and over, ever since I first got turned loose by Rey in the CTEP process. I have seen many "programs" come and go to enforce and enhance safety. Many of them, if not all, were punitive and looked at counting events or what people were doing wrong. However, CTEP is the most powerful process I have ever experienced in behavior change for people in the workplace. CTEP focuses a lot on what people are doing right. I have practiced CTEP and seen fantastic results.”

Erich Skelley

Energy Production Superintendent

“I had no idea!” or “How could this have happened?” Too often managers express such surprises after serious incidents. Unfortunately, managers only find out about longstanding problems and vulnerabilities after the fact—learning late. Most problems exist because managers are unaware of them. Do you want to know what’s really going on in the workplace? Watching work firsthand is an art, but not hard to master. Through the CTEP process, Rey provides insights into a management skill that is rarely done, if done at all. I strongly believe that the practical elements of the CTEP process will help line managers avoid such occasions. Buy it, read it, study it, and do it!”

Tony Muschara, CPT

Author of Risk-Based Thinking and Critical Steps

“As a client of Rey’s, I have learned many great concepts from his various human performance products, but none have had a more instantaneous impact than Coaching To Enhance Performance. This coaching method has an immediate, positive impact on behavior in the field.”

James Vera

HPI Subject Matter Expert, Pueblo Chemical Agent–Destruction Pilot Plant

“I have used this process at our project with tremendous success. The book provides great insight to developing a high-performance accountable workforce through the observation and coaching process.  I highly recommend this book as a top resource in your management and leadership arsenal.”

Brian Ramdwar

Deputy Plant Manager, Pueblo Chemical Agent–Destruction Pilot Plant

“Effective coaching is a vital part of improving the performance of workers in nuclear power plants. However, far too often leaders fall short of the tools and skills necessary to observe and provide meaningful coaching. I have found that Coaching to Enhance Performance (CTEP) is a simple and effective way of providing meaningful coaching and feedback to workers that gains their alignment and commitment to improved worker behaviors.”

Jim Ross

Station Vice President, Bruce “A” Nuclear Power Station

Meet the Author!

Rey Gonzalez is the founder and president of HOPE Consulting LLC, and CEO of High Reliability Training, Inc, and CEO of High Reliability Partners, LLC. A power plant professional with more than four decades of diversified technical, organizational, and analytical problem-solving experience, Rey has spent most of his professional life working to improve safety, quality, and profitability through the enhancement of human performance. He offers a keen focus on improving leadership coaching, helping management and workers understand their roles in the use of human performance tools. As well as, helping supervisors and managers understand the importance of organizational defenses and their role and responsibilities for shaping the behaviors desired in the organization for high reliability operations. He has been fully engaged in the study of human behavior and organizational effectiveness, specifically focusing on the impact that processes, programs, and management engagement have upon individual worker performance.

In addition to Coaching to Enhance Performance © , Rey also created and developed Trigger Training © , a first-of-its-kind training in human error reduction enhancing worker’s Stop Work Authority. He also offers executive-level mentoring to enhance leader behaviors around coaching that creates the desired culture within an organization.